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Hey, Hey, Hey

We are winding up our "Snapshots" series this weekend with a look at the snapshot of sharing.

I think that when it comes to sharing our faith that a lot of us including little old me kind of get the wobble knees. I mean we have good intentions but we think that someone is going to ask us a question that we can't answer and the truth is that there will always be a question that you won't have the answer for. Make sure and be there this weekend, I am going to give you a really, really simple way to share your faith and I think you can get your arms around it very easily.

Take the time and invite someone and lets look to have another great weekend!

Peace and bubble gum!

About me

  • I'm Randy S. Cook
  • From Lebanon, Tennessee, United States
  • Lead Pastor, Crossroads. While I am the Lead Pastor for Crossroads Community Church, the views expressed here are mine and not necessarily theirs, and some of them I just copied from people who really have an idea of what they're doing! Ha!!
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