Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm Back

Well needless to say I didn't get back online yesterday....the old computer battery didn't hold up.

I will try to get something posted on my trip in the next few days.

Glad to have made it back!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

West Coast

Just landed in L.A. and headed for a 1 pm meeting. This should be interesting at the least. I had a great flight out on Southworst.....actually it was pretty good.

It is going to be interesting to see who else was invited to this meeting. I will be back online in a few hours.

See ya!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Opportunity Knocks

It's funny how things happen. Yesterday the phone rang and I am being given this amazing opportunity to meet with a guy who is considered by some to be one of the great leaders in the church. I am going to be one of about twenty pastors from across the country that get to set and here this guys heart about reaching the world for Jesus.

I must admit that my style is much different from his, but when I think about just being able to listen and learn I am amazed.

More later......I'll be back Wed.

Amazed Again

God continues to amaze me at what He does.

We had a couple of great services and things went great yesterday. The comments were good and people seemed to really be engaged.

I am continually amazed at what awaits around each corner.


If you're reading this early in the am we could use a little some extra people praying this morning for us. If you're reading it late it's ok to pray too.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Morn

Looks like the bad weather they were calling for hasn't made it here yet. I'm so glad to start a Sunday without all of the rain. Man, it's great just to see the clouds and no rain.

We're hoping for a good day, more later!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

See Ya Tomorrow!

Bring someone with you tomorrow.....we gonna have great time @ Crossroads!


Friday, January 26, 2007

Looking Ahead

Sunday promises to be another great day!

Take some time and make a phone call today or tomorrow and invite someone to come with you. I know their calling for cold and some flurries, but we'll have the heat on and the music will be kick'n!

See ya Sunday!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Crossroads Q & A

The "Q & A" has been moved to February 18th, same time.

We are also offering a second date, March 4th. If you had planned on attending the one we had scheduled for this weekend, we need you to register again for whichever date you would like. Thanks

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We're Winding Down

We're on the backside of our series "Dealing with Difficult People."

This week we're going to be looking at our relationships with our friends. It promises to be another great week.

Take the time and encourage someone to come with you!

Tater Tot Update

A few weeks back I was posting about the terrible demise of the tater tot at Sonic.

Much to my dismay.....they still are bad!

Go to Snow White for real tots! Taste Great, less filling!

Big Day Today

If you're the prayin' kind....throw one up for Crossroads today! Big Day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Congratulations to Fairview Baptist Church on moving into their new building.

You can check them out at

Here You Go!

Ok, so last week I told you that I was going to address the church or people in the church using certain words and screwing them here you go.

I am so tired of hearing people use words and making the rest of us assume that they have or that their church "has" the definition of a word down. What I'm saying is that when they use this particular word, their definition is the only definition, it's the right definition.

For years I have seen words used by church people to mean what they want them to mean and that was the gospel....nothing else mattered except what they said.

What I have to say to you is, be can be doing a lot of damage to those unchurched people that you are around. When they are listening and your talking with this "authority" that you think you have about the definition of one of these words you could really be misleading. I have opted not to give examples because there are so many words that fall into this category. Just be careful, unchurched people are listening and you may be doing more harm than good.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Why I Don't Pray

Perhaps this is why I don't pray and petition God as much as I should:

1. I'm over confident - as if I'm a pinch hitter for God.
2. I don't believe it could actually be answered in the first place.
3. Or maybe I'm not asking for enough hard things.

In 2 Kings 2, Elijah and Elisha are walking together. Elijah said to Elisha, "Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you." And Elisha responds, "I pray you, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me." Elijah fires back. "You have asked a hard thing..."

Maybe I need to ask harder things. Maybe I need to start asking God for things that actually cause him to do a double-take.

"You want me to heal that!?"
"You want to see how many souls saved this year!?"
"You want peace there!?"
"You want me to do that!?

Uh, yeah God, I do.

(I read the above from and thought it was worthy of letting you guys read)

Monday Morning

Well, it's Monday and I'm sitting in the office really early this morning thanks to the phone which started ringing before 5am. Gotta love it!

Yesterday turned out to be a really great day at Crossroads. I was a little concerned seeing that the weather was bad (not as bad as predicted) and we had a church in our area moving to their new facility. I know that always brings out the curiosity seekers, so needless to say I figured we would probably be off. But to my surprise we did really great.....!

Both services were well attended and I want to think you guys for coming. We continue to see lots of new people and we encourage you to help us get the word out.

Have a great Monday and I'm sure I'll be back here in a little while.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's Sunday Again

Thankfully we don't have ice, just rain.

We are believing for a great day anyway!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sundays Weather

I'm leaning on the forecast of my Fox 17 weatherman friend Joe Case, who says he thinks we won't have any problems tomorrow.

Joe, I hope your right!

Friday, January 19, 2007

For Your Information (needless)

Cut-outs of a moon and a star were used in colonial times on outhouse doors to designate the gender of the intended user. Originally, the moon cut-out was for women and the star was for the men. But men's outhouses were usually such a mess that men preferred using the women's outhouses. So, eventually the use of stars were phased out.

"so maybe that's why they call it mooning"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Why Does the Church Screw Up So Many Words?

Your gonna love's coming in the next few days!

That's Gotta Hurt

Poor guy....and he's flying with this thing stuck in him! (well in this picture he is actually standing, duh!)
Reminds me of Ephesians 6:16

What A Place

There is this place that many of us don't like. It's this place that makes us really uncomfortable. It's this place where we are totally out of control. It's this amazing place where in spite of all the negatives, things happen. Where is this place? It's a simple place and some of you wouldn't even call it a place but I do. This place is called "dependent," it's that place where you realize that you can't do a thing and it's all out of your hands. In the experiences of my life there is only one other person that I regularly find at this place. Every time I arrive He is there waiting on me. Working with me. Seeing me through.

"Dependent," what a place!


Crossroads has some major opportunities being presented to us and I want to make sure that we continue to seek God in every decision we make.

Will you commit to praying for our leadership as we look at each of these opportunities?


Crossroads Q & A

We will be holding our first "Crossroads Q & A" on January 28th at 12:30pm.

If your interested in making Crossroads you church home, then you will not want to miss this meeting. It will take place in the main auditorium just after the second service. We will serve lunch and there is no cost to you. All we need for you to do is sign up on-line or at the information center in the lobby. Just let us know how many you intend on attending with you. The next "Q & A" will be offered sometime in February.

This Week

This week we will continue our series " Dealing with Difficult People," with a look at our relationships with our children.

We will be taking a look at some important things the bible has to say about those relationships.

Take the time to invite someone!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Check Out our Myspace Page

Here you go......

Sign up as one of our friends!


Yesterday was a really good day!

We continue to see new people each week and the services yesterday were great. I really felt like God was going to do something and I believe He did.

The message from James 4 was really eye opening for me and I hope it was for you. Scripture has this unbelievable way of knocking down walls that we build around issues in our life.

Thanks for a great day!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Hey, I'm in the office this morning before the services and just wanted to take a minute and make a couple of observations.

I feel like today is going to be a really great day for Jesus, I can't explain it, but it just feels like its going to be a great day!

Another thing that I think is about to happen is that Crossroads is about to experience some major breakthroughs! We've had some great stuff happen already, but I believe that we are just turning the corner and God is about to take us to places we haven't even thought about.

Oh well.....see you in a few.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Can You Accept Second?

It's funny how we all like to be number one. When ever we participate in something we always like to come in first or have the right answer ahead of everyone else. Anything less than number one makes us feel inferior to others.

It's funny how scripture tells us that we should do just the opposite. You find that in the book of Romans chapter 12 verse 10, that Paul tells us that we should, "practice playing second fiddle." I think what he's saying here is don't put your needs first, always consider the needs of others more important and then you will experience truly being number one.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Good Luck!

I wanted to take a minute and wish a couple of friends good luck!

Bill and Heather have been a big help in getting Crossroads off the ground. They work for a local marketing firm that we use and both have decided to move on and pursue new jobs.

We couldn't have made it without you!

Looks Like Rain....

Hey, Sunday is looking to be a little wet according to the weather man.

Here's a little instruction for this week. Pull to the front door to let off anyone that is riding with you, then park your car and we will meet you at the car to help you get in without getting wet.

It's all good!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Difficult People Week 2

Take a look at James's the scripture for this Sunday.

I Can't Wait!

I don't know if you've heard it or not, but Apple is coming to market with the iPhone.

Now this device will only be available through Cingular.....I hate to leave Verizon, but it looks like I'm going to be makin' the move.

(the comodo-phone is going to the case you didn't know it, I have a Treo 650 and I dropped it in the toliet....pulled it out, dried it off and it's still working. Smells great too!)

I can't wait!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Here is an email I received Monday...

"Hey. Thanks for another great service today. Just wanted to let you know that (name removed) and I will be attending the Q&A, so put us on the list. Thanks again! "

Thanks to all our volunteers!!!! Your the reason we hear great stories!


I believe there is wisdom in clarity.

Webster says, "clarity is: the quality or state of being clear."

One of the things that we wanted to be upfront about at Crossroads is just who we were and who God had called us to be. We didn't want there to be any misunderstanding and so we put together our statement of faith. When you read our statement of faith, it says what we believe and who we are. There's no mistaking it.

So if your looking for clarity, you will find it in our statement of faith.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ok, I'm Tired Of It Now!

Hey, would someone tell 'The Donald" and "Rosie" to put a cork in it!

Talk about "Difficult People!"

Monday, January 08, 2007

What's Up With The Three Hearse?

Don't ask me.....all I know is that we showed up one day last week and someone had parked three black hearse at the end of our parking lot. One of them even has a coffin hanging out the back.

Oh well, if you die from the preaching or the music we're good to go!

Reflections On Sunday

It was great to get back in the swing yesterday. In case you didn't know we took last Sunday off, so we put it back in high gear yesterday. It was great to have a week off, but it was equally great to get back at doing what God has called us to do.

We saw a lot of new faces yesterday, and that really gets me fired up. I am thankful for the faithful people we have giving and volunteering, but I am also thankful for the new people that God is sending our way. It really fires me up!

If your reading this for the first time or if your an avid reader of this blog. please take the time to invite someone. It can make all the difference in their life.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Great Salad

I'm one that's always into posting about good food.

I have been turned on to the "Blue Salad" at Zaxby's. I have to admit that they really don't have a lot of other items I like, but this salad is a keeper.

Try it!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Grace and Truth

We start our new series this weekend and as I have been preparing I am reminded of the balance needed in each of our relationships.

Many times we can speak truth or grace, not truth and grace. When we do this we simply leave the relationship wanting. We have left something out.

People are hungry for the real Jesus, the one who is grace and truth.

That's who we need to show them.

Back On The Wagon

Well after falling off the "commitment wagon" the other day, I have climbed back aboard in pursuit of staying off fried foods and colas. Man, why is it that the stuff that is bad for you is always the stuff that is so good?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tan, Rested and Ready

Having this last Sunday off has given most of our staff and volunteers some much needed rest. You really don't realize how much you need to recharge your batteries and just unwind. It's been great.

I'm as excited as all get out about what is just around the corner. The next few months are going to be chock full of great opportunities for us to reach this community for Jesus Christ.

Make sure and take the time to tell others about what God is doing at Crossroads.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Broken Commitment Already! Dang!!!!

We all make those new years "commitments" or as some of you call them "resolutions."

One of the commitments that I made was that I was staying away from fried foods and cola's. Well needless to say, I have blown it already.

I guess there's always tomorrow.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Back One Day Early

Hey, I just stopped in the office for a few minutes and wanted to take the time to say, "Happy New Year."

This year is going to be a great one for Crossroads. I look forward to seeing each of you attending, serving and giving there this year.

Remember, we're not about setting in rows, we're about doing life together and reaching those outside our walls with the message of Jesus Christ.

See Ya!

About me

  • I'm Randy S. Cook
  • From Lebanon, Tennessee, United States
  • Lead Pastor, Crossroads. While I am the Lead Pastor for Crossroads Community Church, the views expressed here are mine and not necessarily theirs, and some of them I just copied from people who really have an idea of what they're doing! Ha!!
My profile